Cancers and tumours of the spine and spinal cord are relatively rare. The most common symptom that patients with a spinal tumor have is pain.Pain symptoms that may suggest that a tumor or a cancer is responsible for the pain include pain that continues to get worse despite treatment, and that maybe associated with other symptoms such as fatigue or weight loss.

The pain may be worse at night, and not necessarily be related to level of activity. When associated with neurological symptoms such as loss of bowel and bladder control or pain running down the legs, further evaluation is clearly warranted.

The type of tumor, the extent of involvement of the vertebrae, the location, and the prognosis for the patient are all used to decide what type of treatment is best.

Many times, this decision is made by a team of surgeons, oncologists, radiologists and other doctors who specialize in taking care of patients with cancer. Many spinal tumors can be treated with very good results, and the pain can also be significantly alleviated.

Spinal tumours could be of two types:

  • One involving the spinal cord and neural tissues.
  • Tumours of the spine bones. Symptomatology and treatment modalities vary between these two types.

Case Example - Multiple Myeloma

67 yr old male with multiple myeloma (malignant plasma cell tumour ) presented with T12 pathological collapse and serve pain. Stabilisation , decompression and vertebroplasty was done to relieve the pain.


Case Example - Tail Gut Cyst

54 yr old women with pain in tail bone on sitting was found to have cystic tumour attached to coccyx. Coccygectomy with tumour excision was done and patient got relieved of symptoms.
