Infection occuring in the disc space is called as spondylodiscitis. Most commonly the infection is due to tuberculosis and rerely by other bacterias and fungus.


Patient will have pain , fever , loss of weight and loss of appetite. In severe case weakness can also develope.

Investigations needed are basic blood investigations( complete hemogram,CRP) X-ray and MRI. Biopsy ( testing the infected tissue) is needed to find out the organism causing the infection.

For initial stages of infection antibiotic medicines along with supportive appliances such as belt / collar and orthosis is needed. In later cases with severe pain , deformity and weakness surgical intervention is needed. In case of tuberculosis infection 9 months of drug intake is needed.

Case Example:

20yr old woman with 8 months pregnancy got admitted with mid back pain and paraplegia. MRI showed Tuberculosis infection of T9 vertebra with collapse and cord compression. Emergency caesarion section was done for delivering the baby followed by spine surgery for stabilization and decompression of the spinal cord. Patient recovered completely at 4 months follow up and baby was also healthy after initial NICU care
